Welcome Back to School
We are looking forward to another successful term at GHPS. Please can we mention the following reminders so that together we can keep our standards high and our school running smoothly.
Please can we remind you of the following:
Helping us all to have a smooth start to the day
- Gates open at 8:35
- Doors open at 8:40
- Doors and Gates close at 8:45
Playground Safety
Please keep your children walking with you when on the school site, we ask that you ensure they do not run off ahead of you or play on any of the equipment.
Earrings and Jewellery
To avoid injury to self and others: Please remove earrings on PE days. If your child has recent piercings, please use micropore tape to cover them on PE days.
The only jewellery permitted at school is one pair of simple, small stud earrings. No hoops please.
Hair accessories and advice
Hair accessories should be simple and blue or white with long hair tied back please. This reduces transmission of head lice amongst children.
Winter Coats
Throughout the Autumn and Winter months, it is essential that the children have a suitable winter coat in school, so they can continue to enjoy break and lunchtimes outside with their friends.
Please make sure your child is in full school uniform including school shoes and they will also need their PE Uniform too as described here: GHPS School Uniform