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Worried about a Child?

It is everyone's responsibility to act if they feel a child is being put at risk or is not being cared for properly.

If you have concerns about a child, please get in touch with a member of our safeguarding team in school, any conversations will be dealt with confidentially and sensitively.  Further details can be found on our Safeguarding and Child Protection page.

Alternatively, you can report concerns to Children's Social Care directly from the Bracknell Forest Child Protection Page.


Protecting Pupils from Sexual Harassment

At Great Hollands Primary School we take all forms of harassment seriously and this is addressed in our school Anti-Bullying Policy. We do not accept or tolerate harassment in any form and respond swiftly to all reported incidents.

We educate our pupils explicitly as part of the taught curriculum but also as situations arise. Educating our children on what is, and is not, acceptable is a fundamental part of their wider education with us.

We deliver relationships education in our Personal Development lessons using Jigsaw, which is mapped to statutory guidance laid out by the DfE.  Boundaries, consent and the differences between appropriate and inappropriate or unsafe physical, and other, contact are all covered and are revisited through the key stages.

Our school Behaviour Policy lays out possible responses to harassment including sexual harassment (up to and including permanent exclusion).

Should you have any specific questions, please feel free to contact the school office.

Richard Ferris, Headteacher