Sleepover 2018
Friday March 9th 2018
The annual Sleepover returned tonight, after having to be postponed in 2017 due to our school building works that were happening.
8pm saw the arrival in the new school hall of a group of Year 1,2,3 and 4 children eagerly anticpating the events to come on the annual Sleepover.
They were split into three groups and each group had a turn at each of the three activities. Parachute games in the gym, ICT in the Year 4 classroom and the Nintendo Wii bowling challenge in the Junior Hall.
11pm came and hot chocolate, cream and marsh-mallows were drank and we settled down to watch The Jungle Bunch which started just after 11.30pm. At 1am, we were still all wide awake and began watching The Emoji Movie. By the time that finished at 2am, about half the group were still awake. The last ones dropping of to sleep just before 3am.
Congratulations go to the Years 1 and 2 group who won the team bowling challenge on the Wii and also to Evie who got the most strikes (3) in her turn.
6.30am and the alarm was heard to wake up. The hall was tidied up and breakfast cereals and squash was eaten.
Some very tired children were collected at 8am by their parents and some very tired staff went home to sleep themselves.