School Council
The School Council represents the pupil voice in all matters of school management. They are very much part of the decision-making processes within the school and help the Headteacher and parents to make sure that Great Hollands Primary School runs smoothly and is a happy and safe school.
The pupils who are on the School Council come from Year 1 to Year 6 and are elected by the class to become a School Council member, serving for one whole academic year.
There are two elected representatives from each class. The School Council meet every half term and discuss all manner of items related to improving the school's facilities, active citizenship and working for children's rights.
The School Council is democracy in action with an elected Chairperson, a Minutes Secretary and then a full complement of elected members. Examples of the School Council's impact on the life of the school in recent months include;
- Designing improvements to the school's Trim Trails and outdoor equipment.
- Introducing the playground buddy system and revisiting the peer mentor and play leader schemes.
- Reporting on major and minor problems around the school.
- Being actively involved in the local community and projects.
Copies of the minutes of each meeting held, written up by the pupils, go to the Headteacher and all the class teachers. Minutes are shared with the class by class representatives who ask for feedback on the suggestions made.
The School Council is very proud of its achievements and all representatives understand the importance of their position and take it very seriously.