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School Uniform

Our School Uniform

We are proud of how smart the children at Great Hollands Primary look in their school uniform. Thank you for your support in making this a success at our school.   

If you are buying new shoes for school, please make sure they are STANDARD SCHOOL SHOES, not trainers or boots. Children not in the correct uniform stand out and this can make them feel uncomfortable. Please help us avoid this by making sure your child is in the correct uniform.

Here is a reminder of uniform for School and PE

Mandatory Branded Items: The only branded mandatory item is the school jumper or cardigan available for order here:

The branded white polo shirt is welcomed but optional.

All other items are unbranded and available at many retailers nationally.

School Uniform

  • School jumper / cardigan, preferably with school logo 
  • Grey/black trousers / skirt / smart, tailored shorts
  • White polo shirt, preferably with school logo
  • Plain black/grey socks / tights
  • Black school shoes with sensible heel: not trainers / boots (see diagram)
  • Summer dress – blue and white check
  • Plain white socks may be worn with summer dresses
  • Hair accessories should be simple and blue or white: Long hair tied back
  • Sensible sunhat and water bottle
  • All items must be named

PE Uniform

  • Plain black  / dark blue shorts
  • White polo or T- shirt with or without school logo
  • Trainers
  • A plain black / dark blue tracksuit may be worn on top of standard PE kit for outdoor PE in winter months
  • Drawstring PE bag, sensible sun hat and water bottle
  • All items must be named

Jewellery / Make-up / Fashion Accessories are not permitted in school, except for one pair of simple stud earrings. Please do not get new ear piercings during school term-time, as studs need to be removed for PE days.  Watches (not Smart Watches) may be worn on non-PE days and are brought to school at the children’s own risk.

As the children wear school uniform and articles of clothing are almost identical, IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT ALL ITEMS, INCLUDING SOCKS/TIGHTS AND HATS, ARE CLEARLY MARKED WITH THE CHILD'S NAME.

Second-Hand Uniform

If you have any good quality second-hand uniform that could be used again by another pupil, we welcome this being dropped in at the main school office.

Second-hand uniform is available through the school's Parent/Teacher Association (Friends of Great Hollands School - FRoGS).  Queries can be directed through the school office or via email to 


  1. Parents Direct Uniform Ordering

    Updated - 15/04/24

  2. School Uniform Reminder

    Updated - 11/01/22