Online Safety
To find the Maiden Erlegh Trust online safety overview and useful links, please click here.
At Great Hollands Primary School, as part of our curriculum we focus on how to stay safe online and when using mobile devices. We use carefully planned lessons, which include online resources and activities. It is vital that children develop their skills and knowledge, while also learning about how to keep themselves safe online.
There are so many devices that can connect to the Internet and this widespread access to the online world makes it essential that we are all aware of the best ways to help our children stay safe whenever they go online, wherever they may be.
Please consider the following:
- Most devices have some form of parental controls. Make sure you find out how they work, and enable them. Click here for information about parental controls on iPhone and Android.
- Always make sure you know what your child is doing online.
- Don't be afraid of setting boundaries, like setting play time limits or adhering to age ratings on apps and games.
National Online Safety Parent Guides for Popular Apps, Games and Other Information
Please click on the image to open it in a new tab.
TikTok Update Parental Controls with Family Pairing Feature (SWGfL)
TikTok is used by many teenagers and sometimes children younger than 13, despite its terms and conditions. Using the Family Pairing feature can allow parents to guide their child’s TikTok experience in a safer way. Features include:
- Search: Decide what can be searched for. This includes content, users, hashtags, or sounds
- Screen Time Management: Sets how long your child can spend on TikTok each day
- Discoverability: Decide on the account being private (you decide who can see their content) or public (anyone can search and view content)
To find out more information about TikTok's Family Pairing feature, go to:
Supporting young people online
Childnet have produced a very useful and informative leaflet to help parents support young people online - it can be found on their website here and is available in a range of different languages.
Please also see this useful parent guide to protect children from online hate, extremism and fake news.
Please click the links below to browse some fantastic online safety websites and remember, you can always talk to the school if you have concerns about your child's safety. has useful e-safety resources, advice, information and support for parents and carers of children and young people of all ages. There are also dedicated pages for different age groups. Links to these can be found on our Pupils e-Safety Page.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- is a non-profit organisation that works towards making the Internet a safe place for children. Their website contains information and some really useful ways to help keep children safe.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- provides advice and resources to support parents and carers to enable them to support children to use the Internet safely, responsibly and positively.
The NSPCC website has lots of advice about online games, social media and Internet connected devices that children may be using and how to make sure they are using them safely.
Please visit our Pupils e-Safety Page for links to online safety websites for children and young people.