New Parents Information
At Great Hollands Primary School we want to make your child's transition into our school as smooth as possible. The links on this page will give you and your child the information you might need to help make this easier and answer many of your questions.
If you are thinking of joining our fantastic school, we hope that you will find the information on this page very useful. We are very excited to meet you all and to begin sharing your child's amazing adventure into learning. We hope that the information on this page will be useful to you.
New Starters (Reception Class)
We created an informative presentation containing key information about the arrangements for children who will be starting school in our Reception Class. It can be found here: New Parents Presentation and we hope it answers any questions you may have.
New Starters (Nursery Class)
We're delighted to share with you the PowerPoint presentation from our recent online meetings and look forward to welcoming your child to our Nursery class very soon! New Nursery Parents Presentation
If you need any further information, please do get in touch with the school office:
In-year Transfers
Sometimes children may transfer to our school during the school year, rather than in September. Joining a new school mid-year can be daunting, but we will endeavour to work with you and your child to make sure they are well-supported during their transition.
Please click on the links below to visit the relevant areas of our website.
School Lunches Information and Free School Meal Application Form
Leave of Absence and Medication Forms and information
Morning and After School Club Information
Friends of Great Hollands Primary School (FRoGS) PTA
Maiden Erlegh Trust Privacy Notice for Parents and Students
We hope that you find the information you are looking for, if you need anything further please do not hesitate to get in touch.