Special Educational Needs
Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENDCO):
Mrs Nicky Watson
Telephone: 01344 424911
Email: GHPSoffice@maidenerleghtrust.org
The SEND Information Report along with the SEND Profile can be found below and SEND Policy can be found on our Key Policies page.
Please find below links to some really useful parent/carer videos for families/carers who are supporting children and young people with ADHD and Autism.
1. Animations that have been made by a parent/carer charity in West Sussex in association with a small film company. Thanks to funding from West Sussex County Council, Reaching Families have designed a number of animations on various issues related to children with SEND.
2. New animation series on YouTube from Oxfordshire Health Foundation Trust (second link is the series via YouTube)
A parents' guide to supporting children and young people: ADHD and autism - YouTube
SEN Support for Parents from our Local Authority