Useful Forms
Leave of Absence in Term Time
At Great Hollands Primary School, we believe term time absences should be actively discouraged. However, we recognise that there may be occasions where a parent considers there are extenuating or compassionate reasons for such absence. Term time holidays will never be authorised.
- Parents must request leave as far in advance as possible, giving at least 15 days notice.
- The request must be made in writing, using the Application for Leave of Absence during Term Time form, found at the bottom of this page.
- The request must include the reason why it is felt necessary to take leave during term time and will only be granted where the Headteacher considers it is due to 'exceptional circumstances'.
Further information can be found in our Attendance Policy, which is located on our Key Policies page.
Medication in School
There may be times when your child needs to have medication administered during the school day. If this cannot be managed to fit around school timings, the parent or carer is welcome to come in during lunchtime to administer if necessary. At times when this is not practical, parents and carers can make a request for medication to be administered to the child at school. Our medication form can be found at the bottom of this page.
- Medicines must always be provided in the original container and include clear instructions for administration.
- Medicines must not be brought in by the child but should be brought in and collected by a parent or carer from the school office.
If your child has long-term medical needs, please get in touch with the school office to enable us to draw up a healthcare plan to ensure they receive the correct support.